Welcome to Tardis Point News. This blog is no longer running, as I started watching Parks and Recreation and am still mourning over the cancellation of Eureka. Don't stop watching Doctor Who though, which is and always will be the best TV show ever.
A new image of the Series 4 box set has been released from the HMV official site :
a bit small..
anyway, it will be out by 17th November for £52.99 from
HMV A different image has also been released of the same DVD box set.. which i don't really know what to say to that..here

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As you can see, there hasn't been much news lately, so, I'll fill this empty space with whats to come:
- Torchwood - Lost Souls (BBC Radio 4, 10th September)
- Torchwood - Series 3 (Spring 2009)
- The Sarah Jane Adventures - Series 2 (Autumn)
- Doctor Who - Series 1 & 2 (UK TV Gold, Weekdays)
- The Sarah Jane Adventures - Series 1 (BBC1, from 31st August)
I think that's it.. the BBC3 Doctor Who episodes have ended..
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If there is anything to comment about.
Penguin books are releasing a new Dalek model kit.

The product will be out in 25th September at £13.00
Here's the synopsis from the
Penguin official site:
"This model kit is so amazing, it seems that it's from another dimension! This work features a stunning paper-engineered 3D model of a Dalek, that is designed to be made without the need for scissors or glue."Please Comment.
On the Sci-Fi channel, classic Doctor Who will broadcast throughout the next weekend, and the Monday after. The episodes are as listed (some repeated):
- The Ark in Space
- Revenge of the Cybermen
- Pyramids of Mars
- The Face of Evil
- The Ark in Space
- Revenge of the Cybermen
- Pyramids of Mars
- The Face of Evil
- Logopolis
- Earthshock
- Warriors of the Deep
- Doctor Who: The Movie (1996 (hooray!))
- Logopolis
- Earthshock
- The Caves of Androzani
- The Two Doctors
- Doctor Who: The Movie (1996 (double hooray))
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Each episode of the next Series of the Sarah Jane Adventures has been confirmed by Doctor Who Magazine. You probably already know "The Last Sontaran" (episodes 1 & 2)and "Day of the Clown" (episodes 3 & 4) Both by Phil Ford. The rest are as listed:
- 2.5 and 2.6 - "Secrets of the Stars" by Gareth Roberts
- 2.7 and 2.8 - "The Mark of the Beserker" by Joseph Lidster
- 2.9 and 2.10 - "The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith" by Gareth Roberts
- 2.11 and 2.12 - "Enemy of the Bane" by Phil Ford
Hope you like the titles.
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The cover for the upcoming Doctor Who Magazine has been released by Panini. It will be in shops tommorow at £3.99.

(if your lucky, the magazine may be out today in some shops!)
have now revealed the cover of the Doctor Who 2009 pocket diary

It will go on sale on the 29th September at £4.99.
Heres 2 of the inside pages released from the
Danilo website.

And the 2nd..

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The front and back covers for the 2009 Doctor Who Calender have been released. The months go from "Partners in Crime" to "Journey's End". Because there aren't enough months to go around each episode, "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead" both are in the August section of the calender.

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The cover for Doctor Who: Quiz book 4 has been released by Penguin Books. The paper back is filled with 96 pages of questions and answers from the 4th series of Doctor Who.
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A new picture of a plush Adipose toy has been released by Character Options. The toy will be out in September this year.
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Hi, a new spacial edition Doctor Who Magazine will be out in shops this Thursday for £6.99.
It has over 140 pages of interviews, script extracts, previously unreleased pictures, a detailed look on each episode of Series 4, and a few hints on whats to come!

This is the 4th "Series Companion" issue.
See the 3rd here.
the Series 4 - Volume 3 DVD is out today for £17.99 and includes the episodes:
- Silence in the Library (Part 1)
- Forest of the Dead (Part 2)
- Midnight

A new picture of the 12" Davros remote controlled figure has been released by Character Options. The image was posted on
DoctorWhoToys.net. It will be on sale for £39.99 later in the year.
Copyright Info
Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures © to the BBC. No infringement is intended. This site is not for profit and not affiliated with the BBC. Original images and videos © to the BBC.