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Welcome to Tardis Point News. This blog is no longer running, as I started watching Parks and Recreation and am still mourning over the cancellation of Eureka. Don't stop watching Doctor Who though, which is and always will be the best TV show ever.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Doctor Who Magazine Special: Sarah Jane Smith
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Monday, 28 September 2009
SJA Series 3 News!
Next, Digital Spy has an interview with Elizabeth Sladen about the series, which you can read here, and Digital Spy has also been updated with some new picture from episodes 5 and 6 from the series, The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, featuring the Doctor played by David Tennant. Again, you can see them below.

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Sunday, 27 September 2009
Sarah Jane Adventures/Dreamland Crossover!
Elizabeth Sladen, who plays Sarah Jane also gave a preview of the first 4 stories of the series.
Prisoner Of The Judoon, by Phil Ford.
“I love one and two, because I’m evil Sarah Jane, and I absolutely relished it – it’s great! I said to Phil Ford, ‘Why did you think I could do that?’ and he said, ‘It’s something you did or said last year’, so I thought ‘Oh… They do listen!”
The Mad Woman In The Attic, by Joseph Lidster
“Three and four my husband (Brian Miller) is in, which is brilliant. That was in the rain on Barry Island. If you’ve ever been on Barry Island, with or without rain, you would remember it. I got a chest infection on Barry Island! You look at it and you don’t see the terrible weather we had - it was a nightmare for poor Alice (Troughton, the director), it really was. And for the lighting guy. And of course this year we’re in HD for the first time. It’s a different kind of look and it looks so expensive – it’s wonderful, I’m so thrilled with it.”
The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith, by Gareth Roberts
“A great story. It’s by my lovely Gareth – he’s lovely because he knows Sarah so well, he knows Doctor Who so well. He puts little things in sometimes, where I look up from a read-through and maybe only he and I and Russell and someone else will spot them! It’s really nice to have those little moments.”
The Eternity Trap, by Phil Ford
“The haunted house one is incredibly scary - I mean I even screech in it when something happens! Danny (Anthony, who plays Clyde) went to the loo and he wouldn’t look in the mirror - when he came back out from washing his hands, he flew out!”
Series 3 of The Sarah Jane Adventures starts on BBC One and BBC HD on Thursday 15 October, with the second episode following the next day.
Prisoner Of The Judoon, by Phil Ford.
“I love one and two, because I’m evil Sarah Jane, and I absolutely relished it – it’s great! I said to Phil Ford, ‘Why did you think I could do that?’ and he said, ‘It’s something you did or said last year’, so I thought ‘Oh… They do listen!”
The Mad Woman In The Attic, by Joseph Lidster
“Three and four my husband (Brian Miller) is in, which is brilliant. That was in the rain on Barry Island. If you’ve ever been on Barry Island, with or without rain, you would remember it. I got a chest infection on Barry Island! You look at it and you don’t see the terrible weather we had - it was a nightmare for poor Alice (Troughton, the director), it really was. And for the lighting guy. And of course this year we’re in HD for the first time. It’s a different kind of look and it looks so expensive – it’s wonderful, I’m so thrilled with it.”
The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith, by Gareth Roberts
“A great story. It’s by my lovely Gareth – he’s lovely because he knows Sarah so well, he knows Doctor Who so well. He puts little things in sometimes, where I look up from a read-through and maybe only he and I and Russell and someone else will spot them! It’s really nice to have those little moments.”
The Eternity Trap, by Phil Ford
“The haunted house one is incredibly scary - I mean I even screech in it when something happens! Danny (Anthony, who plays Clyde) went to the loo and he wouldn’t look in the mirror - when he came back out from washing his hands, he flew out!”
Series 3 of The Sarah Jane Adventures starts on BBC One and BBC HD on Thursday 15 October, with the second episode following the next day.
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Torchwood 2010 Calendar

Hot on the heels of Doctor Who, Torchwood is hot property, with the BBC dedicating a week long story line for it's growing army of fans. Si-Fi for grown ups, plan an alien free year ahead with a Danilo calendar & a little help from the Cardiff crusaders.

It is due to be released on October 1st for an RRP of £7.99.
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Saturday, 26 September 2009
Dreamland Update
The first is an interview with Stuart Milligan who voices the character. You can see it below.
The next includes Darren Garrett talking about the design of the character. You can watch it below.
Dreamland will air through the BBC Red Button later this year.
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Friday, 25 September 2009
Prisoner of the Judoon Synopsis
Prisoner of The Judoon - Part One
Investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith, one-time companion to The Doctor, is back for a third series of alien-busting adventures, from creator Russell T Davies, which also features a special appearance from The Doctor himself, David Tennant, who stars in two episodes.
Sarah Jane is accompanied by her adopted son, Luke, his streetwise pal, Clyde Langer, their schoolmate, Rani, who lives opposite and has aspirations to become a journalist like Sarah Jane, and their Xylok super computer in the attic, Mr Smith. Sarah Jane's robot dog, K-9, also joins the gang on their adventures.
In the first of this two-part adventure, Sarah Jane and the gang face the most dangerous day of their lives, as the rhino-like Judoon return. When prisoner Androvax the Destroyer crash-lands on Earth, a Veil is set free and starts to turn Earth's technology against itself. And his next intended victim is Sarah Jane.
Prisoner of The Judoon - Part Two
Luke, Clyde and Rani fight their most fearsome enemy yet – Sarah Jane Smith – in the second episode of this two-part, alien-busting adventure.
As the Judoon fleet approaches Earth, it's a race against time to stop Androvax. But with Genetech's technology on the rampage, and Rani's parents taken prisoner, can anything stop the Army of the Infinitesimal?
Luke is played by Thomas Knight, Clyde by Daniel Anthony, Rani by Anjli Mohindra and Sarah Jane by Elisabeth Sladen.
The Sarah Jane Adventures starts on October 15th on BBC One with part 1 of this story, and part 2 on the day after, both on at 4:35 pm.
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Sunday, 20 September 2009
Alien Armies Trading Cards

They will be in shops from the 10th October.
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Torchwood Series 1-3 DVD

Torchwood: Complete Series Box Set is due to be released on the 26th October for the RRP of £59.99 in UK and Ireland.
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Saturday, 19 September 2009
Doctor Who Series 1-4 DVD

It is due to be released on the 26th October, for the RRP of £89.99.
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Friday, 18 September 2009
Aliens and Creatures and Gamemaster's Screen
They have also revealed a "Gamemaker's Screen" for the Adventures in Time and Space RPG. The Doctor Who Gamemaster’s Screen is a thick foldout screen that includes plenty of useful charts and information for any Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space game master. The four-page screen is in full color and is due to have an RRP of $14.99, £10.08 is the UK equivalent. It is due to be released on the 30th November this year. The cover for the Gamemaster's Screen has not yet been revealed.
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space is due to be released on the 15th November, it and Aliens and Creatures and Gamemaster's Screen are written by David F. Chapman and Dominic Mcdowall-Thomas.
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Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 Air Dates

- Prisoner of the Judoon (Part 1) - October 15th
- Prisoner of the Judoon (Part 2) - October 16th
- The Mad Woman in the Attic (Part 1) - October 22nd
- The Mad Woman in the Attic (Part 2) - October 23rd
- The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith (Part 1) - October 29th
- The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith (Part 2) - October 30th
- The Eternity Trap (Part 1) - November 5th
- The Eternity Trap (Part 2) - November 6th
- Mona Lisa's Revenge (Part 1) - November 12th
- Mona Lisa's Revenge (Part 2) - November 13th
- The Gift (Part 1) - November 19th
- The Gift (Part 2) - November 30th
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Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Series 5 Writers

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Doctor Who Magazine 413 (Cover 4)

I guess I don't need to repeat myself for the fourth time, just look on the previous Doctor Who Magazine Issue 413 posts for what it includes.
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Monday, 14 September 2009
Doctor Who Magazine 413 (Cover 3)

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Sunday, 13 September 2009
Doctor Who Magazine 413 (Cover 2)

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Saturday, 12 September 2009
Doctor Who Magazine 413 (Cover 1)

Issue 413 of Doctor Who Magazine, on sale on Thursday 17 September will reveal the results of the biggest poll of Doctor Who stories ever!
So, which Doctor has the most stories – five of 'em – in the Top 10? What do The Ribos Operation and Frontios have in common? Which story leaps up the chart to Number 17, after missing the Top 20 altogether last time round? And finally, which brilliant tale prevails in an exceptionally tight race between favourites old and new to take the title of THE BEST DOCTOR WHO STORY OF ALL TIME? Find out very soon...
The magazine also includes the new comic strip, Onomatopoeia, by Daniel McDaid and Mike Collins, The Watcher's Guide to the Seventh Doctor, Production Notes, Gallifrey Guardian, DVD and Audio Previews, Galaxy Forum, You Are Not Alone, The Time Team, The Fact of Fiction, Reviews and more.
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Friday, 11 September 2009
Filming Update *SPOILERS!*

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Monday, 7 September 2009
National Television Awards Nominations
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Sunday, 6 September 2009
K9 Series Promotional Poster

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Friday, 4 September 2009
Greatest Moments: The Enemies Overnight Ratings
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Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Code of the Krillitanes Quick Read

"I blame those new Brainy Crisps. Since he started eating them, he’s been too clever by half.”
Can eating a bag of crisps really make you more clever? The company that makes the crisps says so, and they seem to be right. But the Doctor is worried. Who would want to make people more brainy? And why?
With just his sonic screwdriver and a supermarket trolley full of crisps, the Doctor sets out to find the truth. The answer is scary – the Krillitanes are back on Earth, and everyone is at risk! Last time they took over a school. This time they have hijacked the internet. Whatever they are up to, it’s big and it’s nasty. Only the Doctor can stop them – if he isn’t already too late...
A short, sharp shot of adventure, featuring the Doctor as played David Tennant in the hit series from BBC Television.
It's written by Justin Richards, and is due to be released on the 4th March 2010 for the RRP of £1.99 in paperback.
Can eating a bag of crisps really make you more clever? The company that makes the crisps says so, and they seem to be right. But the Doctor is worried. Who would want to make people more brainy? And why?
With just his sonic screwdriver and a supermarket trolley full of crisps, the Doctor sets out to find the truth. The answer is scary – the Krillitanes are back on Earth, and everyone is at risk! Last time they took over a school. This time they have hijacked the internet. Whatever they are up to, it’s big and it’s nasty. Only the Doctor can stop them – if he isn’t already too late...
A short, sharp shot of adventure, featuring the Doctor as played David Tennant in the hit series from BBC Television.
It's written by Justin Richards, and is due to be released on the 4th March 2010 for the RRP of £1.99 in paperback.
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SJA on See Me on CBBC Tour

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