Also, this report from Starship Trooper who watched some of the filming:
"Well I arrived around 9.30'ish.
The crew/cameras were all set up with a tent by the side for the actors/crew etc and monitors.
Snow, amazing graffiti and lots of Christmas lights from balconies/ buildings.
It was unbelievably quiet - which was the best thing about it, no loud annoying crowds or trouble at all (accept for the in-ebriated lady who was over excited and the in-ebriated angry lady who insisted upon walking her dog through the middle of the roped off scene area on the parade! Of course David & Bill took this in their stride!
The parade was sealed off at both ends - the Tardis was there parked by the side all lit up nicely.
Billy & Camille were filming their stuff for a couple of hours, then David arrived!
There was some funny horseplay between filming and obvious affection between David and Billy they seemed really happy to be filming together again.
They bounced over to us from nowhere and chatted, signed autographs, had photos done (Billy couldn't give us her toothy grin as she had a mouth full of bournbon biccies!) - well there were so few of us and it was a nice atmosphere in which to meet them no mobbing, screeching or demanding fans - just us and them! (Oh and the wonderfully dedicated Vicster & her friend!)
How brilliant is that!
So that's when David & Billy asked us to please not reveal or post about anything we see or hear being filmed - darn it! Like I said earlier tho - can't refuse the Doctor!
It was amazing being on the 'Powell Estate' seeing it for real, with snow! (At brief moments a mini blizzard was being whipped up!) where it all begun...full circle...
Due to the closeness we were able to really observe the filming process and Euros/ Julie G/ Danny H/ Camille/ Billy/ David etc at work which was very insightful.
The locals must all have been 'darn' the boozer init!'
There were some kids hanging out on the balconies opposite but not many and really well behaved whenever hush was called for by the crew they got it.
Sadly can't say anymore - the paps were there and if they print pics/ spoilers then I guess it'll be alright for me to post the pics etc that I've got.
Although annoyingly my camera isnt working right now so It's off to ASDA to copy the pics etc to disc then at least I can post the photo of me an Bill!
Certainly a night to remember!"
Thanks to Martrix Photo's for these.

You can see more photo's here, thanks to Starship Trooper.
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